Can Drinking a Special Type of Tea Really Help You Lose Weight?

Many of us struggle with losing weight, still, more of us have chased this diet or that, only to have any gain back any lost weight (usually more) when we realize the unrealistic diet is unsustainable. I’ve been there. If you’re reading this likely you have too.

Spoiler for this of us with no patience: I love this stuff and wholeheartedly recommend you try it too. We have negotiated a great discount for our readers!

Please keep reading or click below to go straight to the deal!

A common mistake many dieters make is not taking into account what they drink. The truth is, the fluids you consume can have just as big an impact on your waistline – and your health – as the foods you eat.

Of course, for dieters who are serious about losing weight, that means no more soda and no more alcohol… We have all heard about the benefits of tea.  But what about green tea and black tea?

Are these teas good for you – or can they actually cause you to gain unwanted weight?

The answer may surprise you.You see, most people think green tea, in particular, can help you lose weight, not gain it… But that may not necessarily be the case.

Several studies have shown that green tea does not affect weight loss. 

For example, a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutritionin 2009 found that green tea extract did not affect the resting metabolic rate of 12 normal-weight men.

In addition to these alarming findings, there could be another problem – if you are putting sugar into your green tea, that could be a source of extra calories that you are not accounting for. According to experts, people who are frequent tea drinkers may consume up to 300 calories or more a day from sugar alone!

So what about Black tea?

Black tea is actually “burnt green tea,” and it is full of caffeine just like regular green tea. Ingesting too much caffeine can cause heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting and “jittery” feelings.

Even if you drink decaffeinated green or black tea, the decaffeination process destroys much of the natural ingredients. It makes more sense to drink a tea that naturally contains no caffeine (like the tea I’m going to reveal in just a moment).

Another common problem with black tea is that it is often taken with milk, which slows down the absorption rate of valuable antioxidants and polyphenols. Surprisingly, skim milk slows this process down at a greater extent than whole milk.

So if green tea and black tea are not ideal for weight loss, what should the responsible dieter drink?

The answer is found in the jungles of Africa, where Kenyan tribesmen drink red teato eliminate hunger pangs while they hunt for their next meal.

Red tea not only gets rid of hunger pangs, but it also promotes fat burning and boosts energy without relying on caffeine. That’s right, red tea is caffeine free!

Red tea is basically the perfect health drink. It’s refreshing and tasty and can be served hot or iced. It helps clear toxins… it reduces fat-storing hormones… and it promotes the production of fat-burning hormones… all while naturally reducing stress and balancing insulin.

I was first introduced to red tea in 2006 in Australia while visiting some new friends that had recently moved to Australia from South Africa. They told me about the benefits and side-effects of each of the 5 unique ingredients that go into red tea. It’s these ingredients, which can be found at the local supermarket, working together that makes red tea the ultimate metabolism-boosting, fat-busting, energy-revitalizing drink… and these ingredients are not found in green or black tea.

Red tea is caffeine free, vegan and vegetarian safe, dairy free, gluten free and sugar-free.

It’s a great alternative to caffeine — with absolutely no jitters, so “flushing fat away” is safe and rapid. Red tea also contains no fats or carbohydrates. The flavor is mild and slightly sweet – meaning no need to add sugar!

One more thing about red tea: it has no oxalic acid, so there is no risk of kidney stones, unlike with black and green teas. It also has very low tannin levels, so it’s much better for you than green and black teas that have high tannin levels and can bind iron.

One great thing about red tea is that it is packed full of powerful antioxidants that fight oxidative damage caused by toxins in your body. These antioxidants are scientifically proven to have an antibacterial, antiparasitic and antiviral action to boost your immunity.

The bottom line is, drinking delicious red tea not only “halts hunger” but can also reverse the harm caused by the built-up toxins in your fat cells, thanks to its powerful antioxidants. 

This delicious red tea requires no doctor’s visits, no lectures about losing weight, no expensive pills, no starvation dieting and no intense workouts…

And best of all — it helps eliminate harmful fat by working with your body’s natural fat-burning metabolism, without youfeeling any cravings or hunger pangs at all!

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: steak, a beer, or even somtimes a dessert — completely guilt-free.

Imagine living a life free of expensive prescriptions and endless doctor’s visits to renew the pills.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

I have tried many red teas since 2006 and have seen and felt the benefits. While researching healthy, sustainable, effective weight loss options, I came across what I feel is the best plan for losing and keeping off the excess weight, while not risking your health. Please take a minute to check it out. I’ve negotiated a discount with the founder of Red Tea Detox for us too!

That’s what is possible with the new Red Tea Detox Program. Utilizing red tea along with several myth-busting diet rules, this program can help you lose up to 14 pounds in just weeks.

With the program, you get everything you need to lose weight, including the red tea recipe and all the sources for the 5 unique ingredients (which can be found at any grocery store for pennies).

You also get:

  • A complete 14-day meal planthat includes recipes for satisfying, delicious snacks to halt any cravings instantly. The meal plan covers four phases: The Red Tea Detox Phase 1: Days 1 – 5; The Red Tea Detox Phase 2: Day 6; The Red Tea Detox Phase 3: Days 7 and 8; The Red Tea Detox Phase 4: Calorie Restriction Based on BMR
  • The Red Tea Detox Exercise Plan, which has the potential to almost double your fat-burning results. 
  • The Red Tea Detox Willpower Motivation and Mindset Plan, which dispels the common myths about willpower and makes sure you stay motivated to lose maximum weight. 

The Red Tea Detox works equally well for both women and men. It also doesn’t matter if you have a lot of weight to lose or just a few pounds, it can quickly help you achieve your weight loss goal. This program is ideal for anyone who is concerned about their health (especially if you are over the age of 35) … Anyone who wants to lose stubborn fat around their belly, butt, and thighs … Anyone who wants to lose weight without feeling hungry or unsatisfied. 

It doesn’t matter how stubborn that belly fat has been. The Red Tea Detox can help you lose unwanted weight in record time. You’ll rebalance your fat loss hormones and unblock crucial metabolic fat-burning steps, so you can control your fat-burning and fat-storing hormones and do it as easy as 1-2-3.

To learn much more about this powerful program and how it can help you lose even the most stubborn fat, click here now. No other detox program contains these 5 unique ingredients scientifically proven to unlock stubborn fat cells, release hard-to-lose fat deposits, and flush fat away.

Your body uses multiple steps to release fat naturally. Even if just one step is blocked, your fat loss will grind to a halt. This gets crucial the older you get because you are more likely to have one or more of these steps blocked.

The Red Tea Detox System unblocks all these steps– that’s why it is 100% guaranteed to help you burn fat and lose all the weight you want.